Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In Memory of My Uncle

My Uncle Dan was born just a few months before the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor in 1941. My Uncle enlisted in the Marines when he was 17 years old. Everything I remember about my Uncle pointed to the fact that he was born in a time when patriotism was the word of the day.

My Uncle was my Dad's youngest brother and he was a hard worker. From the time that we were kids we always knew where we could find my Uncle, at work. There was never a kinder person that took people in and gave them a chance. I will always remember my Uncle as the only man alive that could call me "babe". That was what he called everybody, it was his term of endearment.

My uncle was tough and he was no nonsense, of course he was a Marine! Yet family was very important to him. When we got together for family gatherings we sensed that we were a part of something that would affect how we would raise our families.

The last time that I saw my Uncle, we almost missed him. We were coming by the office (gas station) and they were getting ready to leave and close up for the night. When we pulled up they said come on in, and for the next hour our families had a memorable time. I had no idea that this would be the last time I would see my Uncle Dan alive. Just to think I almost missed it. I am so glad I got to spend that time with my Uncle.

I know that I will see my Uncle again when I finally reach home. But I wonder what is the perspective from Heaven on what takes place here on Earth. Can our loved ones see us and what do they think about what they see? Not sure if I have the answers, but as I get older I sure am getting homesick for my heavenly home.

One by one our family has gone ahead of us, just how close is the Lord's coming? Could it be today?

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