Thursday, July 16, 2009

Goodbye or See You Later?

I apologize that I haven't posted in a few days. I did not have an Internet connection. This last couple of days have been busy and they seemed to have gone by rather quick.

On Sunday night my Uncle died from pancreatic cancer. He was suffering so much that it was a relief for him not to be in pain. I will be flying back east to attend his funeral next week. As I mentioned in a previous post my uncle became a Christian a few years ago, and he is now in the presence of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know that someday I will see him again.

Let me ask you a question when your loved dies is it goodbye or I'll see you later? I mean when they die are you assured that you will see them again after this life? As a Christian I believe that only those who have had their sins forgiven and received the gift of eternal life are guaranteed an afterlife worth living.

Let me ask you have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins? Are you 100% certain that if you should die today that you would be guaranteed a home in Heaven? If not, then it is time to be certain. The Bible tells us that we must admit that we have done a lot of things that we are ashamed of, and that we should believe that God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day. Finally we must confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord. This is saying that He is the only way, the only truth and the only life outside of this life.

And that is something worth living for. I hope to see you later.

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