Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Let It Go

Have you ever had a time when someone did you wrong? Are you still dealing with that thing? Well, I have some advice for you, LET IT GO!

I understand that what I just said is easier said than done, but it is not impossible. Let me share with you what I believe causes us to hang onto these hurtful things.

1. Unrealistic expectations: Could it be that you had placed some high expectations on someone? May be you have said, "they would never hurt me."

2. Refusal to allow God to heal our hearts: Sometimes it feels good to be the victim. There is a time to hurt from a bad situation, but God expects us to bring our hurts to Him and stop mourning over it.

3. Fear that they will "get away with it": Isn't it something we deal with? We are afraid that they will never get caught treating people this way. Hear me, they will reap what they sow!

4. Failing to remember that God holds our destiny in His hands: Do you really think God would let someone else hold you back from your God given destiny? God is much wiser than that. Maybe you feel held back, what's the problem? Could it be that you are still nursing that hurt?

God loves us so much that He has a great plan for our lives, the question is will you let hurts and disappointments hold you back from embracing His plan?

Tomorrow I will talk about how we can get beyond our hurts.

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