Saturday, April 11, 2009

In Between Good Friday and the Resurrection

Last night as I was a part of our Community Good Friday service, I began to wonder a few things. Like what was it like not knowing what would happen to Jesus? What did the disciples do after Good Friday? What were they feeling? I'm sure there are many other questions, but what do we do between Good Friday and Resurrection Morn?

We wait.

I am not a fan of waiting. I want to find the shortest line at the grocery store and be on my way. I don't like to wait in traffic, that's why I don't live in the big city. Waiting if it is just sitting idle is not for me. But the principle of waiting in the Bible is not idly sitting. It is an active waiting.

Let me put it this way. We continue to do what we are doing and we wait for the Lord to fulfill His promise. So waiting is connected to the thing we are waiting for. Let's go back to the disciples.

Jesus said He would rise on the third day. Did they believe Him? Were they waiting for Him to fulfill His promise? Or were they waiting for the authorities to come and crucify them? Waiting is a part of life, but how we wait is our choice.

So here it is. We must wait with anticipation that Jesus will keep His promises. We must trust that waiting is only a part of the preparation for what is coming next. Let us wait upon the Lord to fulfill His promise. Today, I challenge you to wait for God to fulfill His promise.

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