Monday, August 31, 2009

School at last!

Today was the first day of school for our kids. My daughter is a 7th grader starting today, seems like I can remember her being just a little baby. My son is in 4th grade and my other daughter is in 1st grade.

Why is it that kids are up early on the first day of school? Is it the new pencils, backpacks and notebooks? Or is it a sense of being nervous and little afraid of the unknown. I tend to think that it is that they are nervous.

I know that my kids will do great in school, I'm just not sure that they know this is hard on parents. Don't get me wrong it is nice to have a more structured schedule for my kids, but don't they grow up too fast? Since we can't slow down their growth, we can grow along with them.

One of the things that I have noticed is that I have grown as a Father over the years. Am I a candidate for Father of the Year? Depends on who you ask.

Could I challenge you to enjoy your kids while you have them, it seems they grow up too fast.

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