Monday, August 10, 2009

God is Faithful

In the last few days that statement has been proven true once again. I remember my wife and I praying for something and God provided. I also mentioned to my wife about needed money for school clothes or something and it is amazing how God keeps providing. The more I recognize the faithfulness of God the more I realize that God is always faithful, but a lot of the times I am faithless. Let me explain.

It has occurred to me that sometimes I trust my credit card more than I trust God to provide my need! (ouch!!). I have been trying to trust God more than I have in the past, but it requires patience and understanding. I must not come to God and demand that He do things a certain way, because He is God and I am not. My lack of faith stems from a seed of doubt that says "you can't ask God for that, you are on your own." Has this ever happened to you? Here is what I recommend to you the next time that you are tested to believe God will provide for you.

1. Remember how God provided for you last time (His past performance will dictate His present faithfulness)

2. Don't rush into making decisions: Pray about these things, and take them to the Lord.

3. Believe that God has your best interest at heart: Know that you are loved by God!!

When it comes down to it trusting God is much harder and takes much more time, but in the end God is faithful.

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