Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Lesson from the Dentist

Today I went to have some teeth filled. It was uncomfortable and it cost money, and really it was unnecessary. Let me explain.

I would not have had to go to the dentist if I would have been diligent about brushing and flossing. If I had kept up my six month check ups I might not have had to deal with this dental visit. The truth is that our spiritual life can be likened to good oral hygiene.

  • We must make it a habit to daily spend time with God and pray at least twice a day (in the morning and in the evening)
  • We must make sure to get all the junk out of our life, we call this confession. It is like flossing no one likes to do it but you feel better when it is done.
  • We must keep our appointments with God. It is important to allow God to point out some areas of decay or weakness much like the dentist does at our check ups.
  • Finally, we must allow God to remove any decay or repair any damage in our spiritual life.
The lesson today is don't get lax about your time with God, He is the only one who can help you deal with truth decay.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post.....truth decay....that's good!

    Adrienne from Theologicalkids
