Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Remembering the Fallen

I have been listening to an audio book that has totally captured my attention. It is "Inside the Revolution" by Joel C. Rosenberg. In this "book" the author make the premise that there are three groups of people that are making a difference in Iran. They are the radicals, the reformers, and the revivalists. Each group is important and is playing a part in the country of Iran. But that discussion is for another post. As I was listening to this presentation, I was once again reminded about how evil those who would destroy America.

The author helped me to relive the details of the morning of October 23 1983. It was 6 am on that morning as our Marine soldiers lay sleeping in Lebanon. A truck filled with explosives came crashing through the concertina wire and barricades and finally stopped inside the barracks as the explosives were detonated. This was the first instance of a suicide bomber.

I believe we owe a debt of gratitude to our fallen soldiers. Our soldiers are the best and the brightest that America has to offer, and I appreciate their daily sacrifice as they put their lives on the line.

I have never served in the military, but I am a patriot. We live in the greatest country ever, and we enjoy the freedoms every other nation wishes they had. I have been outside the USA, and I am always glad to come back home.

There is another army I want to focus on in conclusion. This is the army of believers that are making a difference in Iran and in other countries in the world. These are the revivalists that our author is speaking of. These are my heroes, as they are living their faith out in Iran, and other anti-Christian countries as they are bold in their witness for Christ. No, you may never hear about their exploits or how they suffered and died, but God is keeping a good record.

Today as we think of those who have fallen, let us honor those soldiers of the Cross.

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